
Hi! I'm Anya. I've been a Girl Scout for many years. I love my troop. I love all the activities, the day camps, and all the badges we've earned together. I have really enjoyed this journey of doing a silver award cadette journey. I learned SO MUCH about this topic that I know I will keep pursuing this for many years to come. It even inspired me to look into becoming an Environmental Economist. I based my science project on the impact of electronic waste byproducts on wildlife and I won 2nd place in my county for it. I just won a national award for my science research on E-Waste. I am really passionate about this topic and when I told Gumbo Limbo Coastal Stewards about it they said "This is the new frontier of where ocean wildlife protection needs to go!" I just published a children's book to share how much this impacts ocean wildlife.
Thank you for visiting my website. I hope you leave with one mission: Make an E-Waste Bin in YOUR Home. Become more conscious about what is Waste and what is Recycling. And then take this awareness out into your community.
I hope to present this to every girl scout troop across the world. I know we can protect our groundwater and our oceans if we do this. Girl Scouts has given me so much. I am so glad I get to give back with all that I've learned. :-)
To learn more about me and my passion for the oceans, penguins, and E-Waste visit: www.PenniesForPenguins.com